Monday, December 05, 2005

Fradaulent FBI Email Alert!

The FBI is warning the public to avoid falling victim to an on-going mass email scheme wherein computer users received unsolicited emails purportedly sent by the FBI. These scam emails tell the recipients that their Internet use has been monitored by the FBI and that they have accessed illegal websites. The emails then direct recipients to open an attachment and answer questions.

The email appears to be sent from the email addresses of,, and There may be other similarly styled addresses. The recipient is enticed to open the zip attachment which contains a variant of the w32/sober virus. If the program within the zip attachment is executed then the virus is launched and may affect the user's computer.

The text of the email is as follows:

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    We have logged your IP-address on more than 30 illegal Websites.
    Important: Please answer our questions! The list of questions are attached.
    Yours faithfully,
    Steven Allison
    Federal Bureau of Investigation-FBI
These emails did not come from the FBI. Recipients of this or similar solicitations should know that the FBI does not engage in the practice of sending unsolicited emails to the public in this manner.

Opening email attachments from an unknown sender is a risky and dangerous endeavor as such attachments frequently contain viruses that can infect the recipient's computer. The FBI strongly encourages computer users not to open such attachments. For detailed information on the effects of running this virus please log onto

The FBI takes this matter seriously and is investigating. Users are instructed to delete the email without opening it.


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